Monday, June 3, 2013

About My Husband Pastor Dwayne Gobin, Myself, And Our Calling To Do The Work Of Jesus Christ

This is my dear husband Pastor Dwayne Gobin.
We have been married for almost 8yrs now.
Our first meeting was because I was searching online for some new songs to record and Dwayne was a writer whom I saw some of his work and we started chatting that very evening online about music and the call that God has put before each of us.
We soon knew we were meant to be together and work together for our Lord.
We were married three mo's later.
It hasn't been a easy road. We have been through many valleys as well as on the mountain tops.
No matter where we have been I have never heard my husband do anything except give God praise.
We spent the first six and a half years in our little home in Arkansas.
Dwayne started college at Luther Rice University online via suggestion of our dear friend and Pastor, Shannon ODell at the Home campus of Brand New Church in Bergman, Ar.
We attended BNC for most of the years we were at our home there. Dwayne took on the role of a Volunteer staff member for several years and I helped in the media department and with the choir as needed. We love BNC and miss everyone there. During that time Dwayne received his associates degree and then his bachelors degree. Continuing on to study for his Masters in Divinity.
A year ago we packed up just what we needed in a thirty foot travel trailer to come plant churches in the SC. Island area. The Lord did want us here and we have done a lot of work. But more than anything else we both learned some very big lessons. Some were very painful, but still we have come away from them wiser and more equipt to be used in the service of our Father.
I have balled and squalled like a baby at times and so has my husband....but he has never walked out of Gods word and Gods will. Had it been me by myself, I would not have stayed in line as well. My husband has continued to wash me in the word and has become a very bold leader through it all.
I am so very happy to say that he has just received his Masters Degree in Divinity.
I am so proud of him. It has not been easy on either of us. We both thank God for this milestone of accomplishment. There have been times that has left me wondering why are we going through all this abuse? But I know why. Jesus Christ went through so much more than we could ever think of. We are just being prepared for the next step in what ever God has for us. So we can teach others from the things we have been through.
My husband is currently sending out his resume to churches for a position to do the Lords work and make a difference in that community.
Our hearts are very passionate for children. We both want to teach children about Jesus and help mother's and father's, single parents, the family as a whole - about Jesus and how to learn about Him and teach His ways in the home. That is where the change must start. At home....
We are still living in the thirty foot camper trailer and are waiting for God to call us to the place we are both needed. I still sing. I still do some recording when time allows. I will be singing on "Niteline"on the Dove Network June twenty fourth. Hope you can watch.
Our first and main focus is waiting for that call. The one that God has brought on by putting it on some ones heart that they need us working in their church. I know our Father has a plan and is making a position for my husband somewhere. So please keep us in your prayers for His will and not ours.
If God has put it on your heart to know more about my husband and I you can call him.
Dwayne Gobin 843-415-1294. or email him at
I'm sure Dwayne will be happy to speak with you, even send you his resume.
Let's see what God has for us. I know He put it on my heart to write this in my blog for some reason!
In Christ With Love, Lisa

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