Saturday, May 25, 2013

Passing Laws To Sin Legally ?

Does it really take the guilt out of doing what you know is wrong in your heart by passing laws in the government that says it's O.K.?
What happened to teaching our children whats wrong and whats right?
How will they know what they do is wrong unless they are taught?
Mark 9:42"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.:
Although we are all born into sin...our children are innocent. A empty canvas that should be filled with wisdom of truth. Things that are pure and good so that they know when something is bad, because the things that are bad will eat away the soul of this child like cancer devouring their body from the inside out!
If the parents do not teach their children good from evil from the beginning of their lives, the canvas will be splattered with so many different colored paints - the result will be confusing with no form to show what it was meant to be.
Evil has taken hold the minds of so many to give into their lusts and twisted their thoughts into being perverse. Now, sin is holding our Nations rule in its hand with no morals in the name of making their unclean acts clean by passing laws to promote this behavior.
The prophesy of the Holy Bible is coming to pass each day before us.
As Brother's and Sister's in Christ we must continue to speak God's word and the truth of Jesus Christ boldly to every being as long as we have breath in us. We must make it our first concern to teach the young what Gods Word says as well as all people of this earth.
This world will be destroyed...but our eternity with Jesus Christ will be forever.